Diamonds, wedding rings, Diamond Engagement Rings, platinum engagement rings, fine jewelry, bracelets, buying diamonds, gemstone jewelry, sterling silver jewelry, jewelry


Genuine Diamond Jewelry Tutorials












The first step to buying genuine diamond jewelry is being educated on diamonds. You need to know about synthetic diamonds, fake diamonds, Blood diamonds, colored diamonds, Tiffany diamonds, Black diamonds, wholesale loose diamonds and the lists goes on and on.

To help expedite your learning process, we have provided our highly acclaimed diamond tutorials. If you are short on time, not to worry because all of our tutorials are brief, easy to read but power-packed with the info you need. 

  • Buying Diamonds Online
    With the advent of the Internet, buying Diamonds Online is fast becoming the way to buy diamonds. However, there are some areas you need to be concerned about...
  • The Diamond Cut - How the Process Works
    What gives diamonds their magnificence brilliance. It's all in the Diamond Cut. To find out more about the diamond cut process, keep reading...
  • Diamond History
    Diamond history varies greatly depending on your source of documentation, as diamond history is as rich in myths and folklore as it is in physical facts and records.
  • Selecting Diamonds Is Easy When You Know This
    Diamonds are graded for certification by laboratories using grading criteria. Four of these criteria are critical to understand when making a diamond purchase or investment.
  • Which Diamond Jewelry Store Has The Best Brand?
    Does every Diamond Jewelry Store sell the same diamonds or should you seek a specific brand of diamond? We'll answer those questions and more at the Diamond Expert tutorials
  • Properly Cleaning Your Diamonds and Fine Jewelry
    Your diamonds and fine jewelry are like anything else in, they need periodic cleaning and maintenance in order to maintain their luster and brilliance.
  • Diamond Mine 101 - How Diamonds Are Mined
    When it comes to diamonds there are a lot of questions such as: where are diamonds mined. How are diamonds mined. What is a synthetic diamond. Who can own a diamond mine...
  • Are Diamonds Really Rare
    When you walk into a diamond jewelry store and see all the diamonds in all of the various settings that are for sale, it is difficult to realize a diamond is indeed rare.
  • How to Care for Your Diamond Jewelry
    How to Care for Your Diamond Jewelry is brought to you by the Diamond Experts. We're here to help you enjoy your diamond purchase to the fullest!
  • Insuring Your Diamonds | Diamond Insurance
    Insuring Your Diamonds with specially designed diamond insurance is the smart choice for discerning diamond buyers. Don’t wait until an incident strikes to realize this…
  • What You Should Know About Dirty Diamonds
    A dirty diamond is one of two things: a rough diamond, or a diamond that hasn't been cleaned in a while. Rough diamonds are uncut and unpolished hence, they are dirty.
  • Diamond Grading Report
    You've been told that having a certificate or a diamond grading report is important, and as a responsible consumer, you get one unfortunately, you probably won't understand a word of what...
  • Avoiding Diamond Scams
    When it comes to diamonds, there are numerous diamond scams to avoid. Most scams are minor, but there are some major ones that come up from time to time concerning the buying and selling...
  • Gem Diamonds Finds 18th Largest Rough Diamond
    Hot off the Press, you heard it from the Diamond Experts first, Gem Diamonds has just announced that they have found the 18th Largest Rough Diamond in the world. Learn more at the Diamond.

Round Brilliant Cut Diamond

Black Diamonds

Diamond Earrings